Tune Studio integrates with all APIs that support OpenAI format. Provide the model URL and name, and your Tune Studio access key to use your favorite models in Tune Studio.

We support a range of API providers, including:

ProviderAPI Key

Find an updated list of the providers Tune Studio supports in the Integrations section of the app.

There are three steps to integrating an API with the Tune Studio playground:

  1. Navigate to the Integrations tab.
  2. Select the relevant API provider.
  3. Paste your API key in the field and click Create.

Alternatively, navigate to the Models tab and select Deploy to be directed through the process of selecting the API provider and model you want to integrate.

Because this Deploy operation uses API integration to add a model to Tune Studio, there is no actual deployment happening. This means you can start using the model immediately.

Adding third-party APIs

You can connect any third-party API provider, as long as it follows the OpenAI Model Spec. Here are the steps:

  1. In Tune Studio, navigate to Deploy Model -> Add Custom Model and give the model a creative name.

  1. Set the endpoint URL the model will call. For example, if you’re using Together AI, the URL would be https://api.together.xyz/v1/chat/completions. Always double-check the provider’s documentation for the correct URL.
  2. Include the Authorization header, along with the Bearer and the API key for the third-party provider (in this case, the Together API key).
  3. Test the model to ensure everything works.
  4. After testing, you can Deploy the model and use it in the Tune Studio playground.