Working with generative AI tools can be incredibly powerful, but it also comes with its share of challenges and risks. This guide highlights the potential edge cases and pitfalls to be aware of while deploying, fine-tuning, and experimenting with large language models (LLMs) to help you avoid common mistakes and unintended consequences.

1. Overfitting during Fine-tuning

  • Issue: Fine-tuning a model on a limited or niche dataset can cause it to memorize the dataset instead of generalizing to new data.
  • Pitfall: If the model becomes too specialized to your dataset, it may lose its ability to handle broader or unforeseen inputs, significantly reducing its robustness in real-world scenarios.
  • Solution: Use Finetune on Tune Studio by bringing in your own data, and finetune the model under different hyperparameters using Adapters or bringing pre-trained weights from external website like HuggingFace.

2. Hallucination and Fabricated Information

  • Issue: Generative models often “hallucinate” or provide confidently incorrect information.
  • Pitfall: In high-stakes scenarios, like customer support or legal applications, fabricated information can lead to serious consequences.
  • Solution: Ensure the model’s outputs are validated by humans before deployment in critical tasks. Consider constraining the model’s responses with guardrails or providing clear disclaimers when generating speculative or creative content.

3. Latency and Performance Trade-offs

  • Issue: Deploying larger models (such as multi-billion-parameter LLMs) can lead to increased latency and higher computational costs.
  • Pitfall: Using a model that’s too large for your deployment environment can degrade user experience due to slower response times or crash your infrastructure due to insufficient resources.
  • Solution: Optimize your model using quantization or distillation techniques to reduce the size without losing significant accuracy. Experiment with the number and type of GPUs and Epochs to find a middle ground between your budget and the quality of the model.

4. Misunderstanding Model Output Limitations

  • Issue: Users might assume the model output is definitive or fact-based, while LLMs are designed to predict plausible text based on patterns, not truth.
  • Pitfall: Mistaking AI-generated content for fact or authority can lead to misinformation, especially in educational, legal, or medical contexts.
  • Solution: Set clear expectations with users about the capabilities and limitations of generative AI. Consider incorporating a verification step or providing sources for any factual claims made by the model.

5. Model Drift Over Time

  • Issue: Over time, the model’s performance may degrade as the world changes or new data trends emerge (e.g., shifting cultural language or slang).
  • Pitfall: A previously well-performing model may become outdated, leading to less accurate or even inappropriate outputs as time passes.
  • Solution: Regularly monitor and retrain the model using updated, relevant datasets that can be easily made within a few clicks on Dataset tab on Tune Studio. Incorporate mechanisms to continuously evaluate the model against new input data.


By being aware of these “sharp knives”, you can better navigate the complexities of working with large language models in a controlled, responsible, and efficient manner. Understanding these pitfalls will help you mitigate potential risks, ensuring your deployments are reliable, secure, and beneficial.